Laboratory of phytopathology and entomology

Phytopathological research are focused on the study of pathogenic and toxigenic fungal species and the etiology of plant diseases they cause, as well as their ability to synthesize mycotoxins in grain before and after harvesting.

The activities are aimed at:

  • identification and monitoring of the occurrence of existing and new pathogenic species on maize and small grains in Serbia and their morphological, toxigenic, pathogenic and phylogenetic characterisation,
  • continuous determination of the harmfulness of certain pathogenic species and assessment of mycotoxic risks,
  • quantitative and qualitative analysis of mycotoxins from maize and small grains,
  • examination of the mycotoxin synthesis potential of certain toxigenic fungal species,
  • development of new or improvement of existing phytopathological and mycotoxicological methods,
  • development of a strategy for the reduction of grain contamination with mycotoxins and the use of bioagents for infection control,
  • finding the source of resistance in the selection material of corn/small grains to pathogenic species and examining the inheritance of resistance in genetically different genotypes.

Entomological research

Research are focused on the study, monitoring and variation of entomofauna in the agrobiotype, the integral protection from storage pests, the protection of agrobiodiversity through testing the effectiveness, method and time of application and selective toxicity of insecticides and potential bioinsecticides.

Special emphasis is placed on understanding the biology, physiology, pathology and structure of the entomocomplex and on finding the molecular mechanisms of the interaction between the insect and the plant.

Part of the activity includes the study of the ecophysiological basis of the diapause of insect species in the control of the population of economically harmful species.


Slavica Stanković, PhD

principal research fellow

Ana Obradović, PhD

senior research associate

Milica Lučev, PhD

senior research associate

Snežana Gošić-Dondo, PhD

scientific associate