Scope of activities and history

With its 80 year-long successful operation, the Maize Research Institute Zemun Polje makes a significant contribution to the improvement of agricultural production. A large number of developed and recognised ZP hybrids and varieties in the country and abroad is the result of successful breeding R&D. Locally, 822 ZP maize hybrids, 9 soybean cultivars and 20 small grains varieties are recognised, whereas internationally, 186 ZP maize hybrids, 2 soybean cultivars and 8 small grain varieties are recognised.


Scope of activities of the Institute

  • Development of maize hybrids, varieties of small grains and soybean with high yielding potential and grain quality for diverse growing conditions, purposes and uses,
  • Improvement of applied and developmental research of breeding and seed production of maize, small grains and soybean, as well as their growing and use,
  • Development and application of ZP production system aiming at obtaining high and stable yields in diverse agro-ecologic conditions,
  • Production of seed, drying, processing and storing of ZP hybrids,
  • Marketing and sale of ZP hybrids and varieties.

History of the Institute


Federal Plant Breeding and Production Institute


Specialised research institute named Maize Research Institute Zemun Polje


Maize Research Institute Zemun Polje organised as a public institution in line with the Law on Science and Research


Institute certified by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development as a research and development institute in the segment of biotechnical sciences – agriculture