Vision and mission

The scientific and research work of the Maize Research Institute Zemun Polje is based on classical breeding methods and its created hybrids and varieties possess excellent adaptability to diverse agro-ecological growing conditions, ensuring superior market positioning.


Institute’s vision

  • Creation and development of the ZP maize hybrids, soybean cultivars and small grains varieties in order to increase competitiveness on the seed market,
  • Development of new products and up-to-date market solutions contributing to strengthening of the ZP brand,
  • Maintaining of the level of share of the ZP maize hybrids at the seed market with a growing trend,
  • Strengthening of the marketing and commercial function in terms of strategic market positioning,
  • Improvement of internal organisation and operating system complying with requirements of existing and new standards and broader social interest.

Institute’s mission

  • Timely involvement in contemporary breeding and seed production trends,
  • Creation of hybrids, cultivars and varieties according to market demand,
  • Development of new market programs,
  • Efficient human resources management,
  • Internal and external knowledge transfer,
  • Ensuring of product quality,
  • Implementation of a business policy ensuring stable operation necessary for existence and development.

Constant advancement

The Maize Research Institute Zemun Polje is dedicated to continual breeding science and research activities, implying adaptability to market demand and current climate changes, aiming at improving agricultural production in general.