Group for maize breeding, male sterility and dihaploids

In this group conventional maize breeding is performed, in order to create commercial standard quality ZP maize hybrids of all maturity groups, with wide adaptability and tolerance to biotic and abiotic stress. 

Male sterility is dealing with convertion of commercial ZP maize ingred lines on the system of seed production based on cytoplasmatic male sterility (cms). Namely, mother components are converted to cms basis, and in father components genes for restauration of fertility (Rf) are incorporated. CmsC and cmsS types are used.

Dihaploid program is oriented toward creating new inbred lines of maize in two generations (in one year when using winter nurcery) using maternal in vivo haploid inductors. Also, new haploid inducers with higher haploid induction rate than already existing are producing.


Jelena Vančetović, PhD

Principal Research Fellow, Head of the Group

Sofija Božinović, PhD

Senior Research Associate

dr Aleksandar Kovačević

naučni saradnik

Olivera Đorđević Melnik, mast. inž.

viši stručni saradnik